The most complicated aspect of insurance is determining the amount of premium to charge for each policy. Find out why insurance companies charge the premiums they do. Examine the regulatory and business objectives, methods of rate making, provisions for reinsurance, other costs that are factored into the calculation, and much more. Case studies are included to provide an understanding of the judicial perspective of this process. This class is a must take for agents wanting to understand the industry. Class highlights include:
- The Insurer's Rate Making Objectives
- Adequate, Not Excessive, and Not "Unfairly" Discriminatory
- Redlining Versus Geocoding
- How Rates are Determined
- The Types of Statutory Rate Regulation
- The Underwriting Cycle
- Calendar Years, Accident Years and Policy Years
- The Effects of the Economy and Weather Patterns
- Approved for 3 Hours of Elective Continuing Education