The passage of Obama Care (also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, "PPACA", and "ACA") was the most significant overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid. This continuing education program for health insurance agents describes the controversial aspects of the Affordable Care Act, explains the provisions of the legislation and provides a timeline with the effective date for each of the provisions. Learn how the many laws that were created will provide new requirements for insurance companies and agents. Class highlights include: - Expanding Coverage for Early Retirees
- Early Retirement Reinsurance Program
- Providing Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions
- Coverage for Children
- Preventing Disease and Illness
- Cracking Down on Health Care Fraud
- Linking Payment to Quality Outcomes
- Promoting Individual Responsibility
- Approved for 6 Hours of CE Elective Continuing Education