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Continuing Education Classes for Florida Claim Adjusters

Insurance U is a trusted on-line continuing education provider for Florida licensed claim adjusters (provider #363293). All courses have been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS) for intermediate level insurance CE credit. We offer a large selection of claim adjuster CE classes designed to meet your unique needs. The members of our senior management team are industry insiders, licensed in insurance with prior instructional experience at the college level.

For compliance periods ending January 2022 and thereafter, all Florida licensees are required to take a 4-hour Law and Ethics Update course during each compliance period, specific to one of their license types. Licensees that have more than one license only have to complete one 4-hour update. The remaining hours needed for compliance may be selected from our elective courses.

Prior to compliance periods ending January 2022, all Florida licensees were required to take a 5-hour Law and Ethics Update course during each compliance period, specific to one of their license types. Licensees that had more than one license only had to complete one 5-hour update. The remaining hours needed for compliance were available from our elective courses.

Bundle your CE hours for the best value! This option allows you to select multiple course combinations up to 24 CE hours for only $39. Enjoy the flexibility of taking CE classes on your own time schedule for up to one year from the date of purchase.

Claim Adjuster Taking Online Continuing Education Class

Course#Insurance U Course NameHoursPrice
FL113036Hurricanes and Insurance 6 16.95 This CE course explains the coverage issues associated with a storm including hurricane deductibles and timely notice and reviews the water versus wind issue.
FL113575Claim Adjusting and the Law 5 15.95 This CE class explains the legal and judicial systems and reviews the Florida regulatory environment and applicable statutes for insurance claims adjusters.
FL113771Understanding Additional Insureds 5 15.95 This CE course reviews the differences in coverage for the various types of additional insureds, and examines actual coverage determinations made by the courts.
FL114065Condominium Insurance 5 15.95 This continuing education class for claim adjusters reviews condominium coverages and Florida statutory regulations for master policies and unit owner policies.
FL114183Ethical Principles 4 14.95 This continuing education class reviews ethical decision making in the insurance industry and the required compliance with statutory and legal guidelines.
FL114266NFIP Flood Insurance 5 15.95 This class meets the NFIP requirement for flood insurance continuing education and provides an in-depth explanation of the flood insurance program and coverage.
FL114354Ordinance or Law Coverage 3 13.95 This course reviews Ordinance or Law Coverage, the development of Florida's building code, and explains why this coverage is necessary for many policyholders.
FL114482Sinkhole Insurance 5 15.95 This Sinkholes and Insurance class explains the sinkhole exposure, the statutory coverage requirements and provides court cases for understanding and emphasis.
FL114752Bad Faith 4 14.95 This continuing education course reviews the ethical and legal requirements for Florida claim adjusters and explains practices that may be considered bad faith.
FL114902Business Income Insurance 5 15.95 This business income CE class explains the coverage for loss of income and explains how to complete a business interruption worksheet to calculate the loss.
FL115107Social Media and Insurance Coverage 2 12.95 This class provides an evaluation of social media exposures and identifies coverage gaps in the CGL and homeowners policies through the review of court cases.
FL115212Liquor Liability Insurance 6 16.95 This CE class examines liquor liability legislation and common law, explains the insurance coverages for liquor liability, and reviews actual court cases.
FL115257Ethics - Case Studies 4 14.95 This CE class provides adjusters with an insight into ethical decisions that have been made in well-known cases and the resulting impacts of those decisions.
FL116111Personal Lines Cases and Coverages 4 14.95 This continuing education class provides claim adjusters with an understanding of personal lines coverage issues related to homeowners and automobile insurance.
FL116456Commercial Lines - Cases and Coverages 4 14.95 This continuing education course examines commercial general liability policies and court cases to provide adjusters with an understanding of coverage issues.
FL116572Cyber Risk 5 15.95 This course reviews the development of the Cyber Risk exposures, explains the coverage options available and provides case law for emphasis and understanding.
FL116630Ethics Case Studies 4 14.95 This case-study approach to ethics continuing education provides adjusters with an understanding of the practical applications of ethics in actual situations.
FL117073Home Based Business Coverage 3 12.95 This CE class explains the unique home based business exposures, the lack of coverage under an unendorsed homeowners policy, and the available coverage options.
FL117177Employment Practices Insurance 5 15.95 This class provides adjusters with an understanding of Employment Practices Liability exposures and how courts have interpreted coverage for these claims.
FL1323984-Hour Law and Ethics Update - Adjusters - CE5-620 4 15.95 This 4-Hour Law and Ethics Update continuing education class is required for Florida claim adjusters with compliance periods ending January, 2022 and thereafter.


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