Course# | Insurance U Course Name | | Hours | | Price | | |
FL113036 | Hurricanes and Insurance | | 6 | | 16.95 | | This continuing education course reviews hurricane coverage issues, explains legal and regulatory requirements, and examines water versus wind case law. |
FL113575 | Claim Adjusting and the Law | | 5 | | 15.95 | | This CE class explains the legal and judicial systems and reviews the Florida regulatory environment and applicable statutes for insurance claims adjusters. |
FL113771 | Understanding Additional Insureds | | 5 | | 15.95 | | This continuing education class for public adjusters explains the rights, responsibilities and coverage issues for each of the different types of insureds. |
FL114065 | Condominium Insurance | | 5 | | 15.95 | | This continuing education class for public adjusters reviews condo coverages and explains statutory requirements for master policies and unit owner policies. |
FL114183 | Ethical Principles | | 4 | | 14.95 | | This CE class reviews the ethical requirements for public adjusters and provides an understanding of the insurance industry's legal and regulatory framework. |
FL114266 | NFIP Flood Insurance | | 5 | | 15.95 | | This class provides an in-depth explanation of the flood insurance program and how coverage is determined when the loss is a result of both wind and water. |
FL114354 | Ordinance or Law Coverage | | 3 | | 13.95 | | This CE class explains Ordinance or Law Coverage and Florida's Valued Policy Law and provides an analysis of actual court cases and coverage determinations. |
FL114482 | Sinkhole Insurance | | 5 | | 15.95 | | This CE course explains the sinkhole exposure in Florida and the statutorily mandated insurance coverage requirements. Case law is reviewed for understanding. |
FL114752 | Bad Faith | | 4 | | 14.95 | | This CE program examines a claim adjuster's responsibility to act in an ethical and legal manner and how breaches of this duty may result in bad faith actions. |
FL114902 | Business Income Insurance | | 5 | | 15.95 | | This business income continuing education class explains the coverages for loss of income and how to calculate the loss using a business interruption worksheet. |
FL115257 | Ethics - Case Studies | | 4 | | 14.95 | | This continuing education class provides a case-study approach to ethical dilemmas in well-known situations and the impact of the decisions that were made. |
FL132405 | 4-Hour Law and Ethics Update - Public Adjusters - CE5-320 | | 4 | | 15.95 | | This 4-Hour Law and Ethics Update continuing education class is required for all public adjusters with compliance periods ending January, 2022 and thereafter. |