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Continuing Education Classes for Florida Public Adjusters

Insurance U is a premier on-line continuing education provider for Florida licensed public adjusters (provider #363293). All courses have been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS) for intermediate level insurance CE credit. The members of our senior management team are industry insiders, licensed in insurance with prior instructional experience at the college level. We offer a wide variety of CE courses to facilitate your compliance and allow you to stay current in your area of licensure.

Effective October, 2014, all public adjusters are required to take a 5-hour Law and Ethics Update course during each compliance period. The remaining hours needed for compliance may be selected from our elective courses that have been approved for public adjusters.

Bundle your CE hours for the best value! This option allows you to select multiple course combinations up to 24 CE hours for only $39. Enjoy the flexibility of taking CE classes on your own time schedule for up to one year from the date of purchase.

Public Adjuster Taking Online Continuing Education Class

Course#Insurance U Course NameHoursPrice
FL113036Hurricanes and Insurance 6 16.95 This continuing education course reviews hurricane coverage issues, explains legal and regulatory requirements, and examines water versus wind case law.
FL113575Claim Adjusting and the Law 5 15.95 This CE class explains the legal and judicial systems and reviews the Florida regulatory environment and applicable statutes for insurance claims adjusters.
FL113771Understanding Additional Insureds 5 15.95 This continuing education class for public adjusters explains the rights, responsibilities and coverage issues for each of the different types of insureds.
FL114065Condominium Insurance 5 15.95 This continuing education class for public adjusters reviews condo coverages and explains statutory requirements for master policies and unit owner policies.
FL114183Ethical Principles 4 14.95 This CE class reviews the ethical requirements for public adjusters and provides an understanding of the insurance industry's legal and regulatory framework.
FL114266NFIP Flood Insurance 5 15.95 This class provides an in-depth explanation of the flood insurance program and how coverage is determined when the loss is a result of both wind and water.
FL114354Ordinance or Law Coverage 3 13.95 This CE class explains Ordinance or Law Coverage and Florida's Valued Policy Law and provides an analysis of actual court cases and coverage determinations.
FL114482Sinkhole Insurance 5 15.95 This CE course explains the sinkhole exposure in Florida and the statutorily mandated insurance coverage requirements. Case law is reviewed for understanding.
FL114752Bad Faith 4 14.95 This CE program examines a claim adjuster's responsibility to act in an ethical and legal manner and how breaches of this duty may result in bad faith actions.
FL114902Business Income Insurance 5 15.95 This business income continuing education class explains the coverages for loss of income and how to calculate the loss using a business interruption worksheet.
FL115257Ethics - Case Studies 4 14.95 This continuing education class provides a case-study approach to ethical dilemmas in well-known situations and the impact of the decisions that were made.
FL1324054-Hour Law and Ethics Update - Public Adjusters - CE5-320 4 15.95 This 4-Hour Law and Ethics Update continuing education class is required for all public adjusters with compliance periods ending January, 2022 and thereafter.


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