This continuing education explains homeowners underwriting using the COPE (Construction, Occupancy, Protection and Exposure) criteria which are the same four basic elements of underwriting data real property underwriters have been using for nearly 300 years. This class covers how CLUE reports and credit scoring are applied, whether or not identity theft is covered, the impact of weather related exposures in the Florida market and new underwriting concerns such as disaster fraud. Case studies are included for additional insight into the many underwriting issues. Class highlights include:
- Construction, Occupancy, Protection and Exposure (“COPE”)
- Coverage for Home Based Businesses
- Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule ("BCEGS")
- Ordinance or Law Coverage
- Claims History - CLUE Reports
- Probable Maximum Loss (“PML”)
- Weather Related Perils - Hurricanes, Floods, Tornadoes
- Fraud Indicators and Red Flags
- Approved for 5 Hours of Elective Continuing Education