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Continuing Education Classes for Florida Property & Casualty Agents

Insurance U is a leading on-line continuing education provider for Florida licensed agents and customer service representatives (provider #363293). All courses have been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS) for intermediate level insurance CE credit. We offer a large selection of CE classes designed to meet your unique needs. The members of our senior management team are industry insiders, licensed in insurance with prior instructional experience at the college level. Our courses have been designed to facilitate your compliance and increase your professional knowledge.

Effective October, 2014, all property and casualty agents and customer service representatives are required to take a 5-hour Law and Ethics Update course during each compliance period. The remaining hours needed for compliance may be selected from our elective courses.

Bundle your CE hours for the best value! This option allows you to select multiple course combinations up to 24 CE hours for only $39. Enjoy the flexibility of taking CE classes on your own time schedule for up to one year from the date of purchase.

Insurance Agent Taking Online Continuing Education Class

Course#Insurance U Course NameHoursPrice
FL113036Hurricanes and Insurance 6 16.95 This CE course explains the coverage issues associated with a storm including hurricane deductibles and timely notice and reviews the water versus wind issue.
FL113575Claim Adjusting and the Law 5 15.95 This CE class provides insurance agents with a review of the legal and judicial systems and the Florida statutes and regulations related to adjusting claims.
FL113771Understanding Additional Insureds 5 15.95 This CE course explains the differences in responsibilities and coverages for the various types of additional insureds, and provides examples from courts cases.
FL114065Condominium Insurance 5 15.95 This continuing education class for insurance agents reviews condo coverages and Florida statutory regulations for master policies and unit owner policies.
FL114183Ethical Principles 4 14.95 This CE course provides insurance professionals with a guide to ethical decision making in compliance with company obligations and customer expectations.
FL114266NFIP Flood Insurance 5 15.95 This CE course is required by FEMA for all licensees that sell flood insurance; the class provides an explanation of the NFIP program and flood coverages.
FL114354Ordinance or Law Coverage 3 13.95 This CE class reviews Ordinance or Law Coverage and explains the necessity of this insurance coverage due to the constant changes in the Florida Building Code.
FL114482Sinkhole Insurance 5 15.95 This sinkhole CE course examines the sinkhole exposure, coverage issues, and increasing losses and reviews the statutory revisions to the coverage mandate.
FL114752Bad Faith 4 14.95 This continuing education program explains an insurer's ethical and statutory responsibilities in the claim adjusting process and reviews bad faith practices.
FL114902Business Income Insurance 5 15.95 This continuing education class explains business income coverage, how to calculate the amount to insure and explains the unique endorsements and terminology.
FL115107Social Media and Insurance Coverage 2 12.95 This CE class explains the evolving liability exposures of social media and reviews the potential coverage gaps through the evaluation of actual court cases.
FL115257Ethics - Case Studies 4 14.95 This insurance CE course describles well-known ethical situations and the resulting outcomes of questionable ethical decisions through a case-study approach.
FL115212Liquor Liability Insurance 6 16.95 This continuing education class reviews insurance coverages for liquor liability, examines relative legislation and common law, and explores actual court cases.
FL116111Personal Lines Cases and Coverages 4 14.95 This CE class provides insurance agents with an understanding of personal lines coverage issues in connection with homeowners and automobile insurance.
FL116456Commercial Lines - Cases and Coverages 4 14.95 This continuing education class provides insurance agents with an understanding of commercial general liability coverage through the review of actual case law.
FL116572Cyber Risk 5 15.95 This Cyber Risks continuing education class explains the uniqueness of this exposure and the development of coverage, and reviews the progression of case law.
FL116630Ethics Case Studies 4 14.95 This continuing education class provides a case-study approach to ethics with an emphasis on the practical applications of ethics in actual business situations.
FL117073Home Based Business Coverage 3 12.95 This home based business insurance CE class explains the exposures, the lack of coverage under an unendorsed homeowners policy, and various coverage options.
FL117177Employment Practices Insurance 5 15.95 This course explains Employment Practices Liability coverages, policy provisions, and exclusions and includes court cases with coverage determinations.
FL117262Credit Scoring 4 14.95 This continuing education course for insurance agents explains how credit scores are calculated and discusses their use in the insurance underwriting process.
FL117314Wind Mitigation Discounts 2 9.95 This CE course examines mitigation methods that make homes wind resistive and the premium discounts that insurers must offer for these wind mitigation efforts.
FL117688Homeowners Insurance Underwriting 5 15.95 This continuing education class for agents explains homeowners underwriting using the Construction, Occupancy, Protection and Exposure (“COPE”) criteria.
FL117746Workers Compensation and a Drug Free Workplace 5 15.95 This continuing education course examines the advantages of Drug Free Workplace Programs and their impact on employees and workers compensation insurance costs.
FL118260Workplace Harassment 7 17.95 This CE class for agents examines the regulatory and legal framework of employment practices and evaluates the coverages in various types of insurance policies.
FL118432Errors and Omissions Coverage 5 15.95 This continuing education class for agents explains the agency relationship, the common causes of errors and omission claims and how and to prevent them.
FL118441Rate Making for Insurance 3 13.95 This CE course explains how premium rates are calculated based on estimates of future claim payments and examines the regulation of insurance rate-making.
FL118742Believe It Or Not Insurance Coverage 3 13.95 This continuing education course for insurance agents examines the unique types of risks that are covered through the "speciality lines" insurance market.
FL118899Identity Theft and Insurance 5 15.95 This continuing education course for insurance agents explains how identity theft occurs, how to minimize the risks, and the insurance coverages available.
FL119335Surplus Lines Coverage 3 13.95 This CE class explains how the market is regulated, the types of risks that are placed in this market, and the advantages of operating on a surplus lines basis.
FL1323694-Hour Law and Ethics Update - General Lines - CE5-220 4 15.95 This 4-Hour Law and Ethics Update continuing education class for Florida insurance agents is required for compliance periods ending January, 2022 and thereafter.


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